Future iterations of Model Mars include immersive experiences, incubation and other creative and educational features.

Immediate next steps are focused on:

EXPANDING the Model Mars platform features and functionality. Priorities are the development of the Mars Commons and building pathways that enable participants to go deeper and broader in their learning (in the simulated Mars environment or though applied learning on Earth).

INCORPORATING new material: stories, locations, characters, teams, maps, resources and more.

RECRUITING AND PREPARING envoys/advisors to guide future team journeys in more regions and contexts, with particular emphasis on groups and regions that are typically on the sidelines of space exploration/utilization, futures narratives, and decision-making.

ENGAGING with partners to fund and launch a full-fledged version.

The Model Mars development team is actively looking for partners to co-create content, design and evaluate educational materials, organize and host future youth teams, and to support our efforts with funding or in-kind contributions.

Please get in touch and let us know of your interest!